Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Seniors: Tips for College Enrollment from A to Z

Seniors - by now you have received your admit letter and are ready to enroll in college. Great! Here is a quick checklist for the steps to take between now and your first day of classes. Definitely consult with the enrollment letter provided by your school, and keep in close contact with your college during the summer before you enroll. Also regularly check your email and school portal account for important updates about your enrollment status.
As you navigate the enrollment process, we hope you find this A to Z guide helpful, along with other tips that will lead to matriculation success.


College Enrollment Guide, A to Z

Academic advisorYou will be assigned a college advisor who will meet with you every semester to assist with planning your degree program curriculum and registering for classes. Like with your guidance counselor, the academic advisor's time is in high demand. Once an appointment is made, do your absolute best to keep it. Not doing so could mean you risk not being able to register for classes you really want to take.

Blackboard: You will be provided access to an online blackboard portal that allows you to interact with professors and students; download course document resources, upload assignments, and receive important announcements. Like your email, you are advised to check the blackboard site daily.

Commitment fee: This is the fee you mailed ranging from $250 to $500 to secure your spot. Your commitment fee will be deducted from your fall tuition bill.

Deadlines: Carefully check deadlines on all forms due and departments to which they are due. Enrollment forms will need to be sent to various departments, from housing and college admissions, to the student health center, financial aid, and bursar's offices to name a few.

Email account: Upon being provided with instructions to set up your .edu email address, you can begin communicating as a college student. Make sure the credentials you set are highly secure, yet easy to remember as these will be used to access different technologies on campus such as library book reserves, WiFi and computer lab stations.

Financial aid: Meet with the financial aid office to obtain and sign your final award letter. Know that it's never too late to ask for additional resources if you need more aid. Be prepared to submit documentation supporting your changed circumstances.

Getting around: Learn about transportation options for getting around campus. Many colleges have shuttles with various routes around campus and town. Once you obtain your class schedule, practice commuting from your home or dorm, to classes to ensure you arrive on time the first day.

Housing: As soon as your housing application arrives, complete and return it to the housing office. The best dorms fill up fast, and housing for first year students, while guaranteed is reduced down to the less favorable dorm facilities. You can expect to be asked to pay a separate housing deposit fee to reserve your room, ranging from $250 to $500. This deposit amount will be deducted from first year room and board costs.

Immunization records: After getting a physical, submit your updated immunization and health record forms to the campus health services office.

Job search: Although not advised in the first year of college, if you are interested in obtaining part-time paid employment, learn where on campus you can find campus jobs and get assistance with your resume, cover letter, and preparing for job interviews. 

Keep your parents updated: Although on your own, it's important to keep your parents updated on how things are going during the first days of college. If you go too long without calling, you may get an embarrassing message from your mom via your resident assistant. It's your first time away from home, so they want to make sure you're ok.

Learn your campus map: Look through the campus map and get to know where important buildings are, such as ones where your classes will be held. Other buildings to find: your dorm, dining hall, student center, health center, and the writing center.

Major: Contrary to popular belief, it's common to matriculate into college not knowing your major. Many colleges, particular liberal arts colleges are designed to have first year students take core classes and electives to explore their academic talents and interests. There will be time at the end of freshman year, or during sophomore year to begin the process of declaring a major. Your advisor will walk through this process with you...just don't miss the appointment!

Nutrition: Read through your school's housing and dining website to learn about meal plans and dining food options. 

Orientation: Sign up for new student orientation immediately. Spots fill up fast and is related to your ability to meet with your advisor and register for the classes you want to take.

Physical: Don't delay this important step. Make an appointment with your physician to get a physical and any outstanding immunizations as required by the college. 

Questions: As a freshman or transfer student, the best thing you can do to get to know your school is ask questions. Remember your college has assigned a team of people to help you acclimate to your new environment and campus life.

Roommate: You don't have to wait until move in day to meet your roommate. Exchange social media handles and connect on Skype to start building a rapport.

Sign your Master Promissory Note: If you are taking out student loans, the student aid office will ask you to complete loan entrance counseling, often on-line, as well as sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN). This is a required step before your loan will be dispersed to the bursar's office.

Testing: Placement exams are required tests that freshman and transfer students take to assess readiness level for the college's course series, usually in math, foreign languages, humanities, and the physical sciences. Take these exams seriously as doing well can save you time from taking classes you've already mastered, or money by giving you free college credits.

Username and password: Your log-in credentials are sacred. Come up with something that's easy to remember as you will need it for email, the blackboard, accessing Wifi, library book reserve, etc. Never share  your credentials with anyone, not even your advisor or resident assistant.

Verification: If selected for financial aid verification, you will receive a form that will need to be completed and returned back to the financial aid office before money is dispersed.

What to bring: Make a list of what to bring to your dorm and take it along as you shop at your local department store. Click here for a list.

Xerox everything: Over the course of the summer you'll be submitting forms to various offices across your college's campus, along with thousands of other students sending the same forms. Part of being human error is thing's get lost, mishaps occur. To reduce likelihood of delays in matriculating, make a copy of everything you send and confirm its receipt with the applicable department by phone or email.

Your college experience: The first days of college set the tone for your college experience. Get started the right way by submitting all that's required, keeping your appointment with your academic advisor, meeting peers, getting to know your campus, and asking  members of your college transition and support team questions.

Zero-tolerance: Know your college's zero tolerance policies with regards to alcohol usage, drug use, weapons, and anything that puts yourself and peers at risk. Remember the MTA's mantra: "If you see something, say something." Campus consequences for participation in zero-tolerance activities or failure to inform campus officials can lead to consequences ranging from moderate (warnings, fines, and parental notification) to severe (suspension or expulsion). 

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