Advice for Seniors

Chances are if you are reading this, your primary goal this year is getting into college. The road to college is a long journey that requires attention and planning. This year you will feel like you’re racing from deadline to deadline. Use the list below to organize how to best spend your time for admissions success.

    • Finalize your college list. A good list consists of 8-10 schools
    • Register for the October SAT and ACT (visit for fall testing deadlines)
    • Continue networking with college representatives via social media and college fairs
    • Confirm teachers to write recommendations
    • Obtain application waivers (if financially qualify)
    • Organize a spreadsheet of application and financial aid deadlines for each school
    • Re-take the SAT I and/or ACT
    • Start on-line applications and submit them by deadlines you noted in your spreadsheet
    • Request that your high school transcript(s) be sent to colleges where you’re applying
    • Send standardized test scores to colleges
    • Continue working on unfinished college applications
    • Take SAT-II Subject Exams
    • Submit all your college applications before 12/15
    • Begin working on financial aid forms – FAFSA, CSS Profile, and other required forms
    • Obtain list of local scholarships from school guidance office
    • Ask your counselor to send your first semester’s grades to colleges where you have applied
    • Make financial aid forms submission deadlines – 2/15 for many schools
    • Keep track of acceptances and awards of financial aid on your spreadsheet
    • Visit top college options during speak break if you are not sure of your final decision
    • As soon as you have made your decision, reply promptly to all colleges whether you plan to enroll or not. This includes replying to awards of financial aid
    • May 1 is National College Decision Day. Colleges expect you to notify them of your decision by this date
    • Enjoy the final days of being a high school senior
    • Ask your guidance counselor to send your final grades to the college you have chosen to attend

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