Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Seniors: Reasons to love the final semester of High School

College applications....done. Financial aid applications....complete.
Anxiously you wait for college decisions and financial aid packages to arrive. This waiting period can be nerve wrecking, and "senioritis" is beginning to settle in. Yet graduation is still months away. The best thing you can do now is love your final semester of high school.

1. College is Really Hard.
In high school, small assignments and tests span an entire semester. Occasionally forgetting to hand in an assignment or scoring low on a test has little impact on your final grade. College is different. It is common for your grade to comprise 80% midterm and final exam performance, and only 20% participation and homework. Extra credit is a novelty. One mishap can greatly impact your final score. This is not to indicate that high school lacks rigor, but the learning curve to mastering the first year of college is steep.

2. Seniors Rule the School.
You have waited three years to be on top. Seniors are the most respected members of the high school student body. Underclassmen look up to you and are watching your every move. With this kind of notoriety, it is your responsibility to show you appreciate your position. Continue taking an active role at your school and be present at special functions. Remember that next year you'll be at the bottom again.

3. You Get to Hang Out with Friends.
You are taking classes alongside your best friends, many of whom you have known since elementary school. Often high school teachers give "free work-time", or time for you to do assignments, while hanging out and catching up on the latest fashion trends, music, and gossip. Once you and your friends graduate and attend separate colleges, you'll be limited on time to stay in touch. While modern technology and social media has made it possible, new college friends and the time it takes to adjust to college life will make it challenging to recreate these moments.

4. Every Moment is Memorable. 
Senior year is filled with many last moments--the last time you have lunch in the cafeteria, ride the school bus, hang out at your locker, attend a track meet, and the list goes on. Capture precious moments on your smart phone camera. Starting a scrapbook is a must. Or a more creative idea: use Pinterest to pin what you'll miss the most about high school.

The final year of high school is something to love. Don't take this time for granted, savor each moment until you move on to the next journey: college.

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